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2011-04-06 16:44:48 来源:艺术家提供作者:周为


  对张卫而言,哪怕是他自己做的“东西”也不例外。他如此轻描淡写的归纳可谓一语双关。“东西”,这同他的创作套路不谋而合:将“东”与“西”融为一体。他的“齐白石 VS 梦露”系列撷取著名国画大师齐白石先生笔下素雅灵动的水墨人物为基本元素。齐白石素以“说通俗易懂之话,画常人所见之物”为其艺术箴言。秉承着同样的精神,在简括质拙的笔触所勾勒出的悠然恬淡的文人身旁,张卫让梦露的性感肖像跃然纸上:艳丽,浮华,媚态撩人。






  如何去尽可能的拓展这个空间,也许是唯一值得张卫去较真儿的问题。“齐白石 VS 梦露”的游戏仍然在继续。现在的他正在构思下一个系列,以人与自然的关系和以动物和昆虫为主题的作品。最后,当被问及自己所希望拥有的头衔时,张卫沉吟片刻,语气里透出几分不寻常的严肃和热忱,“我只想做一个自由的人”。

  — 周 为  二零零七年
  The Game is Not Over

  Don t call me an artist. It is just a title that doesn t mean anything to me. Art is simply some stuff that I do, Zhang Wei tells me with his typical low, placid voice. His casual tone leaves the impression that nothing in this world really deserves to be taken seriously. Or at least doesn t have to be.

  According to Zhang Wei, this may even apply to the stuff that he does. Yet there is a coincidental pun in his perfunctory sum-up. The word stuff in Chinese is Dong Xi , literarily meaning East and West : a wonderful epitome of his artistic approach. His print and Oil on Canvas Qi Baishi vs Marilyn Monroe series are based on the simple, whimsical watercolor figures of Qi Baishi, the renowned Chinese painter of the late 19th century whose artistic motto was in speech, use words that people can understand. In painting, depict things that people have seen. In the same spirit, Zhang Wei s artworks juxtapose Qi Baishi s elegant, reserved scholars painted with refined, lucid brushstrokes, with gaudy portraits of Marilyn Monroe: gleeful, voluptuous, and seductive.

  I didn t have any particular reason to choose these symbols on top of others. I guess Qi Baishi and Marilyn Monroe got picked because they just came naturally as a part of my life experiences, recalls Zhang Wei.

  Growing up in an intellectual family in Changsha and always passionate about art, Zhang Wei enrolled at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1978 to learn traditional water and ink painting, only to find out there were no techniques being taught in the classroom that he had not already mastered. So where could truly original creativity be unearthed? With this question in mind, Zhang Wei set out to explore his multi-faceted artistic potentials. He took on graphic design, wrote fictions and screenplays, edited books, and traveled across Europe and the States. When he was later invited to design the cover for the relaunch issue of a literary magazine, he naturally drew inspirations from the resources that were most readily at his disposal: Chinese traditional painting, entertainment industry, and his computer.

  With a technique called digital collage, Zhang Wei engages himself in a playfully, nomadic meander traversing space and time. Monroe, the quintessential icon of pop entertainment culture, is ruthlessly inserted into backdrops of self-contained landscape of Qi Baishi s delicate watercolor personages, who seem to be tantalized yet inevitably frustrated in their quests. Yet for Zhang Wei they are nothing more than semiotic clusters of possibility, objects to be freely appropriated and manipulated. He seems to possess a knack for transforming a repository of disparate genres, styles, and emblems into a light-hearted marriage that is both visually amusing and thought provoking. He even takes one step further by using Oil on Canvas, a medium that detaches the observer from both the water and ink world of Qi Baishi and the photographic universe of Monroe, at the same time allowing him to display his medium s dramatic material strength.

  Unlike the Political Pop or Cynical Realism genres of his contemporaries, Zhang Wei adopts a nonchalant stance when faced with issues of social reality, political agenda and criticism. For him Qi Baishi vs Marilyn Monroe is not a fight. It is merely a game. Who is the winner? Zhang Wei is not at all concerned to attempt an answer. I don t intend to invoke, mock or attack. Why should I? Each snow flake is falling exactly where it is supposed to be, smiles Zhang Wei, quoting his favorite aphorism from Zen, an introspective Buddhist philosophy he has been embracing for years.

  Hence Zhang Wei s artworks may be best translated as what Fredric Jameson calls a postmodern pastiche, the wearing of a linguistic mask, speech in a dead language. By using re-envisioned symbols that are no longer relevant and therefore freed from clich s of social critique or nostalgic sentiments, Zhang Wei offers us instead his ironic redefinition of originality: a perfunctory rebelliousness tinted with decided ambiguity and detached humor. What s underneath is simply an artist s heartfelt desire to create an anonymous, lucid space in a media saturated world where people are merely the quiescent observers of commercial spectacles. This is a space where significant rhetoric is silenced, all connotations lost, and unbounded, honest investigations into our contemporary culture be ceaselessly evoked.

  For Zhang Wei, to extend this space could well be the only thing that s worth taken seriously. Qi Baishi vs Marilyn Monroe is a game that s not yet over. He is now contemplating his next series of works, examining the relationship between men and nature. And when finally asked what label he would like to create for himself, Zhang Wei ponders for a few seconds and replies with an unusual earnestness, I just want to be a free man.

  — Zhou Wei   October 2007





